Childrens Choir Video
“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, “‘From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise’?” – Matthew 21:16 – NIV Children’s Choir Video – “All God’s Creatures”
Welcome to the MiffNaz website!
Friends, Our Church website has gone through some changes lately. New content has been added and the style has changed. We hope these additions will further the Lord’s work from the World Wide Web all the way to Mifflinburg. Join us at or click through on Facebook posts or Tweets. Thanks, The MiffNaz.Org Team
Kid’s Choir
The Children’s choir will be singing next sunday in both services. Please send your kids to the Nazkids room at 9:00 with a stuffed animal.
Looking ahead @ Mifflinburg Nazarene
11/18- AM & PM services- Jim & Kathy Radcliff, guest missionaries. Annaul Church Thnksgiving Dinner @ the Mifflinburg Middle School @ 1:00pm. Bring covered dish & dessert along with place settings. 11/21- Thanksgiving Eve service @ 7:00pm in the sanctuary. 11/22- Happy Thanksgiving from our church family to yours!! May God Bless You.!! 11/26- Polar Freeze. This will be a great day to chill with your friends. For ages Kindergarten thru 6th grade. This activity lasts from 1-4pm in the…
Polar Freeze!
Monday, November 26th will be a great day to chill with your friends! Play Reindeer Games! Create Cool Crafts! Enjoy Frozen Snacks! Make Frosted Goodies to take with you! Children from kindergarten through 6th grade are invited. Preschool age children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. The fun lasts from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Church Fellowship Hall. See…
Calendars and Christmas cards will be ready for pick up on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 after youth group.
Surviving the Storm
Greetings Dear Church Family, Three days after the storm, I trust that you are well and have come through the storm without great difficulty. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Day 29 – God Raised Him From the Dead
Acts 13:1-14:37
Day 28 – May I Be Baptized?
Acts 8:26-40
Day 27 – By What Name Did You Do This?
Act 3:1-4:37