'Genesis' Tagged Posts

'Genesis' Tagged Posts

Genesis Quizzing Game

  On Sunday, April 6th, during the 6:00 p.m. evening service,   children who participate in the 9:00 a.m. Sunday School Class will be testing their knowledge of the book of Genesis against their favorite adults. Click the picture above to find an NPH page that has a game that lets everyone exercise their Quizzing skills.


  Our next Quizzing Fun Night will will be on Sunday evening, November 3rd, from 6 to 7:15 p.m., in the Naz Kids Center. We will have fun digging deeper into the Bible with music, scripture memory, crafts, and a snack. We will be focusing on Noah, his ark, and his sons. Quizzing Fun Night is for All Children in the 1st through 6th grades.

Genesis Quizzing Games!

The Quizzing Game page at WordAction is ready to test what you know about the book of Genesis. Grown ups can see if they know as much as what the kids are learning about Genesis this year. http://www.nph.com/nphweb/html/waol/innerpage.jsp?c=WAOL&cs=CHILD&sc=QUIZ&ss=GAMEZ&nid=lcol