Church Posts (Page 61)

Church Posts (Page 61)

A Day With The Pastors and Their Wives In India!

What a joyful day I have had. I spent about 8 hours with 30 or so Pastors and their wives at a Nazarene Church about 3 Hours from Aurangabad. The trip their and back was very educational (A few pictues attached). But what was so special to me about today was the enjoyment of talking to (through an interpreter) some dear brothers and sisters in Christ who live and minister in such a different culture than I do. I found…

Taj Mahal

Actually, this is the smaller version of the Taj Mahal which was built around 1639, modeled after (but on a much smaller scale) the real thing in the city of Agra, which is about 450 Miles North of Aurangabad. It is an Islamic Holy Place. The Fountains are empty because of the drought. The lack of rain during the recent Rainy season is a devastating blow to this area. You can see the misery all around, such as with paltry…

Great Day In The City of Aurangabad

Greetings Friends, Today I spent most of the day exploring the Old City of Aurangabad. Ancient City Gates, The ‘2nd Taj Mahal’, An Old Fort of the 17th Century King. This has been a day of learning of Central India History. I also took many pictures of the city, including the traffic, shopping areas, roadside markets, and people. There are many heart wrenching sites. The dryness and lack of rain during the rainy season has put a further strain on…

Visiting the Cave of Ajanta

Hello Church Family, I hope that all of you are doing great. I have had a very great day today seeing some ancient caves and driving past many rural villages. In some ways, today had been more of what I had expected to find in India. I have taken a lot of pictures of people, animals, small grass houses, etc… I do feel that I am in another world. Thankful for good health and no problems so far. Vinay and…

Young Adult After Christmas Christmas Party

Saturday January 5 at 6:30PM.  Bring a dessert or appetizer to share. Bring a White Elephant gift for a game. Bring a gift for each person playing. Bring a gift for your kids too, as I am sure they will want to play. Kids are welcome. Come and enjoy the evening together. Bring any board games or other games that you would like to play.

Worship In Aurangabad

Just Finished two Worship services.  It was so enjoyable.  Many Nazarenes praising God, dressed in amazingly colorful garb.

Great Time With Vinay’s Family

Hello Church Family,    Shallom from India.  I am enjoying my time here so much.  I have learned many fun things about India.  Vipul and Jewan have played criquet with me – first time.  Jewan is a major Kite expert – amazing tricks and competition over the skies of Aurangabad.  Its like constant dogfight with all the boys of the city.  It is Sunday morning here.  We are leaving for Church in about 30 Minutes. Can’t wait.  Hope you all…

Safe In India

Hello Church Family,       Greetings from Aurangabad!  I arrived after a good trip about 12 hours ago and got a great night’s sleep – under a mesquito net for the first time.  Having a wonderful time alreaedy.  I will send pictures when I can. Blessings! Pastor