Posts by PastorKrell
Favorite Day of the Year
So Delighted to pack the car, and get ready for the drive to Ohio to be with my Dad and other Family Members for Thanksgiving tomorrow. It is a precious day to me with some great memories and much anticipation of great food, laughter, and a great time to be together. I also want to say how grateful I am for my Church Family. I love you all and wish for you a great day on Thanksgiving and this weekend!…
Some Thoughts about The Syrian Refugees
The tragedy in Syria is growing and becoming painfully real and known across our world. The pictures of refugees and their desperate circumstances weigh heavily on my heart. I hear a great deal of concern about our security as a country (which is very valid) and also hear the cries of refugees whose lives are shattered and in great need of a world response to help them. Both of these concerns are valid and we must as Christians consider…
Celebration Our Senior Adults On Sunday
What a special day for our Church tomorrow as we celebrate our Senior Adults. Did you know that we have over 50 people in our Church Family who are age 80 and above. That’s pretty neat! Come and join us at 10:30 (Combined Service) as we have fun, look at some pictures from a long time ago – and have a great time celebrating this special group!
Thank You To Our Church Family
Hello To Our Church Family – Debbie and I wanted to say a big Thank You for all of the ways that you have Encouraged and Blessed us. This past Sunday was Pastor Appreciation Sunday and it was such a fun time of reading your cards, and so many other expressions of kindness. We are grateful for the ‘partnership’ in Ministry and the privilege to be your Pastor.
Dealing With Our Conflicts
We are coming back to the Book of Genesis and the story of Cain and Abel on Sunday. What happens when we do not deal with our conflicts? Don’t ask Abel – he’s not able to talk about it, ask Cain. He can!
Great Weekend With Jesus Film Director
We are looking forward to a great weekend with the Director of the Jesus Film Project, Brian Helstrom. The Jesus Film has been translated in over 1200 languages and it is estimated that over two billion people have seen the film, which shows the story of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Brian is a Nazarene Missionary who coordinates the Jesus Film being shown all around the world. He will be speaking at the Church Saturday evening at…
Great First Day In Guyana
Our Work & Witness Team has had a very long and a very good day in making the journey to Guyana. It is now about 8:00 on Saturday evening. After an overnight flight and driving about 8 hours, we have seen the work site and are settling down for the night – looking forward to a great day of Worship tomorrow with the four Churches in this area. May God bless you as well as you worship him! And yes,…
2nd and 3rd Day of Creation
What an amazing Creator we have! We are studying the Book of Genesis and the fascinating Stories of Creation. We will be looking at the 2nd and 3rd Days of Creation on Sunday. Come and join us as we explore the marvel of the sky, the sea, the land, and the diverse plant life that God spoke into existence!
Growing Old Gracefully
Our Service on Sunday will be focused Jesus and his Dedication at the Temple when he was 40 Days Old. The story includes two very special older people – Anna and Simeon who demonstrate a great example of Hope and Grace, even at a very old age of life. They are a great example to us!