Great Day In The City of Aurangabad

Great Day In The City of Aurangabad

Greetings Friends,

Today I spent most of the day exploring the Old City of Aurangabad. Ancient City Gates, The ‘2nd Taj Mahal’, An Old Fort of the 17th Century King. This has been a day of learning of Central India History. I also took many pictures of the city, including the traffic, shopping areas, roadside markets, and people. There are many heart wrenching sites. The dryness and lack of rain during the rainy season has put a further strain on the city and its large population. There are not enough resources to sustain life for many of the people.

Tomorrow, we will be traveling to a Village where many of the Pastor’s of Vinay’s District and their wives will be together for the day. A time of prayer, preaching, and encouragement. I count it as a great privilege to have the opportunity to preach twice and meet with the Pastors. There is so much I want to say to encourage them and share of the connectedness we have in Christ all around the world. Will be going through some pretty remote places Vinay says and we plan to stay in a village for an evening meal with one of the Pastors.

Blessings to each one of you!




