Join us June 24th for our Annual Car show on the Church grounds. Enjoy the classics of yesterday, performance models, modern production from today, trucks and more! Spectators, partake of the free food while picking your favorite for the ‘People’s Choice’ award.
We’ve several trophy classes and ‘Best of Show’, registration is by donation with proceeds going to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and those signed up, online below, by May 31st will receive an event t-shirt. Check-in will be from 10:00am – Noon and the show runs from Noon to 4:00pm.
Parking Map
Participants, please stop by the check-in | registration lot (GREEN) to pick up your information packets and then proceed to the Show Lot (RED) for all the fun! Spectators, please park in the Chestnut Street Lot (BLUE) or one block West at the High School.
The Mifflinburg Church of the Nazarene is not responsible for any accident, injury, and/or damages to any vehicles before, during, or after the show. Vehicles are displayed at the risk of the owner. The Summer Cars show is a non-sanctioned car show.